The most remarkable thing about the Tailwalk Power Eye WX8 braiding is its great softness and flexibility that hardly generates resistance underwater, making our lures move more freely and thus giving them a more natural appearance. A much smaller “sag” is also achieved in the line when we fish in depth.
The Power Eye WX8 8-strand braid is a high-quality braided line that improves casting distance, speeds up the descent of the lure in vertical fishing, and reduces noise caused by passing through the rings.
Made in Japan by YGK specifically for Tailwalk with the highest levels of quality.
Tailwalk has been used in the manufacture of Power Eye braiding a method called the ” WX construction method ” that achieves a very high density of “knots” or “braids” per inch of thread, which is called HD BLADE (high-density yarn twist), which translates into:
- Minimal friction on the rings, it has a silky touch between the fingers. This softness also causes less wear on the thread when passing through the rings and generates less resistance when moving in the water, achieved thanks to the use of HD8 BRAID (8 high-density threads ) for its manufacture.
- Great flexibility: Many times we find soft threads but so rigid that it seems that they have a piece of wire inside … The Tailwalk Power Eye is a very manageable braid, with which it is easy to tie knots. This flexibility together with its softness improves the swimming of the lures and increases the control over them.
- Greater resistance than the usual PE, as well as a better capacity to support intermediate knots.
- It improves the waterproofing of the thread and reduces the amount of salt it absorbs. The Power Eye is a thread that barely “catches water” which means that its casting ability does not deteriorate with use.
- Real measurements, do not offer brutal resistance based on disproportionate diameters that do not correspond to the real one.
- Lasts longer, thanks to the braiding system and use of “Ultra Dinema” forbas